What is orcaflex
What is orcaflex

The length of the box is effectively infinite for periodic wind files or derived from the time range of the wind file times the mean wind speed for wind files that are not created as periodic within TurbSim. The box is defined by the width and height of the TurbSim wind field. that no analysis node where ambient wind is used (distributed along the blades and tower) can lie outside of the rectangular box defining the wind field. Regarding the wind field, the basic limit is set by the InflowWind module i.e. Have you encountered such an issue before? Where does the fault lie in your opinion? Is it even possible to specify a high current and wave force without the crash occurring? When I say "high" I mean a 50-year extreme return case.

what is orcaflex

The reason I suspect that the issue lies with AeroDyn is because I checked the Wind field (which I have been running successfully for the past 3 months with different alterations), I checked the controller and then I adjusted some of the values in the AeroDyn module, which delayed the crash by 40s, from 78s to 112s into the simulation.

what is orcaflex


if my SPAR drifts too far back, how can I tell the software not to realign the vessel at the origin? My question to you is: Does AeroDyn or any other of the FAST modules have a specific distance restriction? Given that we can specify the width and height of the front plane, in which the wind field is acting, via the grid, can we specify the depth of the field, i.e. That is the plane in OrcaFlex where the wind is being applied to the hub in the x-direction The "face" or front plane of my turbine is located in the YZ plane. Conversely, when my turbine drifts away out of the range of the wind field, I assume it is considered exhausted. When I looked at the visualisation of the 112s simulation in OrcaFlex, I noticed that my model proceeds to drift in the x-direction up to 29.8m and at roughly 30m away from the origin it appears to be literally yanked back to the origin instantly, which I assume gives the supersonic error for the blades. The problem is that my simulation crashes 112s after the start giving either: a supersonic blade error or that my wind field has been exhausted. The displacement of the vessel in the x-direction is much larger now than it used to be (understandably so). My forces are uni-directional in the x-direction. Now I have added Current to the model as well. Using the OC3 Hywind model as an example I created my own model of the floater and I successfully performed the analysis when I only had Wind and Waves acting on the vessel.

what is orcaflex

I have an interesting question relating to coupled analysis in OrcaFlex with respect to the vessel lateral degree of freedom.

What is orcaflex